Personal training

The body goes through a drastic change through pregnancy - from changes in hormones, fighting nausea and fatigue, to a changing physical body and an evolving mental state…pregnancy is a journey of the body and mind. My pregnancy was a lesson in knowing when to slow down, when to alter course, and when to push.  I was an athlete and used to testing my body to see how far it could go. It was time to change my approach.

We are creating life, we are strong and resilient!  And for those who are able to continue a movement practice throughout their pregnancy, I am here to help you find the space to move through each trimester, and each day, in whatever way it is that makes you feel smile, makes you feel safe and makes you feel like the strong momma that you are!  If you would like to include me on your journey please reach out below. Research has shown that exercise during pregnancy provides huge benefits for both Mama and baby and it is never too late to start!

So whether you are planning to get pregnant, are already there, in your third trimester or baby has arrived and you are looking for support in regaining core connection and strength…it is a great time to start moving!

**I have once spot left in my schedule to take on new clients for Mommas in North Vancouver or West Vancouver. Shoot me a message and lets get our MOVE ON!